Wisdom Tooth Removal
Wisdom tooth removal is no easy procedure. Even before your dentist removes it, you will most likely experience excruciating pain as it grows out. And things could get worse than that because if your wisdom tooth is horizontally impacted, this puts more pressure on its neighbouring teeth.
And if you think your struggle ends once you have wisdom teeth, you are wrong, as the aftercare process can be as tedious as consuming any food. But worry not as there are kinds of food you can safely consume without feeling any pain.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Impacted wisdom teeth are very painful and can lead to problems like gum disease, abscesses, and the loss of teeth next to them. Getting your wisdom teeth removed can make a lot of pain inside your mouth go away. But after the procedure, make sure you carefully follow the aftercare instructions, especially about what you can and can’t eat.
In the following days or even weeks, in some cases, you should eat soft foods or any food that is painless to consume.
1. Soups
Eating blended soups is highly recommended after getting your wisdom teeth taken out. They are easy to chew and don’t have any pieces that could hurt the area where surgery was done.
These are also healthy as they contain vitamins and minerals that give you enough nutrients every day, even if you have limited choices. Also, blended soups can help you stay hydrated, which is very important after surgery.
Make sure your soups are either lukewarm or cold. Hot soups can irritate your skin. Make sure to blend soups with vegetables as much as possible to eliminate chunks.
2. Greek yogurt
You can eat Greek yogurt after getting your teeth fixed because it is healthy and full of protein. This food can make your mouth feel better and numb it as it has a smooth and creamy texture that is easy to consume.
Greek yogurt is also filled with vitamins and minerals, specifically protein, essential for your body to speed up its healing process. Several studies have shown that getting better takes longer when you don’t eat enough protein.
3. Mashed potato
The best thing about potatoes is that they can be cooked in various ways. Mashed potatoes can help you feel better, especially after having your wisdom teeth pulled.
Potatoes are rich in calories and nutrients, which can help you feel better. This is because people need a bit more energy after surgery than they did before.
Mashed potatoes give you a lot of energy and nutrients in just a few bites, which is excellent if you have trouble eating enough.
4. Scrambled eggs
After getting your wisdom teeth taken out, eggs are considered the best foods to eat. Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein and are full of vitamins and minerals.
Scrambled eggs are ideal for those who just had their wisdom tooth surgery as these can be easier to chew and swallow than other ways to cook eggs.
5. Mashed bananas
Bananas are one of the most popular fruits around the world. Because they’re soft, they’re easy to chew and swallow after having surgery on your teeth.
Bananas are also very healthy and contain vitamins and minerals like potassium, vitamin B6, manganese, and folate.
You can make bananas smoother and less likely to hurt you by mashing them.
6. Avocado
Avocados are a unique fruit as they contain few carbohydrates but a lot of healthy fats. Most fruits have a lot of carbs in them.
Avocados were found to help wounds heal faster. Avocados are full of potassium, vitamin K, and vitamin C, making them a perfect fruit that promotes healing.
Even though avocados are usually easy to eat due to their creamy texture, you may find it easier to eat them when they are whipped or mashed.
7. Smoothies
Smoothies are a great way to get more nutrients when you can’t eat a solid meal. They are easy to make and can also be created with whatever fruit you already have in your kitchen or pantry.
You can add as many ingredients that best suit your needs and taste while still meeting your health goals. Add the protein you choose and some fruit and vegetables to the blender and avoid fruits with seeds, such as strawberries and blackberries, to avoid affecting the area.
8. Instant oatmeal
Oats are perhaps one of the healthiest things you can eat. They are a good source of fibre and make you feel full. They also contain nutrients like vitamins and minerals.
Since oats are a bit chewy and sticky, it’s best to wait at least three days after having your wisdom teeth pulled to eat them.
Also, oatmeal made with steel-cut oats is chewier than oatmeal made with instant oats.
9. Mashed pumpkin
After having your wisdom teeth surgery, you can eat cooked pumpkin that has been mashed. This fruit is soft and mushy, so it is easy to chew and swallow and doesn’t irritate the mouth.
Also, pumpkin is full of vitamins A, C, and E and minerals like potassium. These vitamins may help boost your immune system, which could help your body heal after your wisdom teeth are taken out.
Have you always wanted to have your teeth removed but are hesitant due to the potential pain of consuming food? You can always choose to be safe by entrusting reliable professionals in the field, such as in Finesse Dental.
Whether you are looking for a dentist in Richmond, a dentist in Bella Vista, or even a dentist in Marayong, you can trust our team here at Finesse Dental. You can rely on them when it comes to your wisdom teeth removal needs or for whatever your dental needs may be at the moment.
Enquire online or call us on (02) 8806 0790 for your wisdom teeth removal. You can also browse through our website for other dental services that will help you get the smile of your dreams.