Why are they called “Wisdom” Teeth? Third molars have been referred to as “teeth of wisdom” since the Seventeenth Century and simply “wisdom teeth” since the Nineteenth Century. The third molars generally appear much later than other teeth, usually between the ages of...
Travel Goals Today, people of all walks of life seek care, including dental work, outside their home country: some to see a renowned specialist; others to lower costs. If you’re considering dental care outside of the country, there are some things you should...
Love Sports? If you’re in danger of getting a dental injury through high-impact sports and if you don’t use any protection, you’re potentially leaving yourself open to painful and costly dental work in the long run. Good quality sports mouthguards can minimise the...
Brush and Floss Regularly We try to brush and floss regularly, and to avoid sugary between-meal snacks… but sometimes we can’t seem to avoid tooth decay. Dental filling, a time-tested and effective way to keep tooth decay from doing further damage. The...
Sometimes, the answer is painfully obvious. If you feel: severe aching and pressure in your mouth that doesn’t go away noticeable sensitivity and swelling in your gums DON’T WAIT — visit your dentist for evaluation and treatment right away! From time to...